Primal vs Stupid.

The Spartanite
2 min readJan 18, 2017

I remember someone wise once saying to be “Be passionate yet never hot headed”. I have always seen hot headed people who cannot control themselves. And there is nothing more dangerous than the man who can. And this is why so many people will say things they easily regret, because rage and anger open primal sides of us, where everything rushes and flows through without consequence. And coming from a place where I didn’t care about consequence, life soon enough taught me to do so by having a lot to say, but often keeping my mouth shut.

Being primal, definitely has it’s place and time and this trait, is really and truly often best hidden until it really needs to be unleashed. There is a vast difference between primal and fucking stupid — and most cannot identify it. Most who call themselves primal, do not know how to dress it up because they will tell you that they are just a paragon of truth, but in actual fact; they are a violent, hateful, spiteful bully. Primality is a way of every human being, no where is it more shown, than in root chakra behaviours — -namely and chiefly Sex, Survival and Violence.

A man can easily be primal and yet have formal manners about him. When I look at some people, I can often tell they have had no home training or social manners, to even engage properly with others. For someone who appreciates carnality and primality, lots of people are using this is an excuse to abuse to raw passion that should be channel for it’s best use. Except, most don’t. As intelligent as they are, they often have zero control over self. And this crosses into the personality and mental afflictions, I so often see with people of today.

