How To Function In A Mentally Unwell Society

The Spartanite
4 min readJul 24, 2024


Divine Empowerment For Bold Entrepreneurs

We have reached a point of blanket mental illness, where I’d say — sane, healthy, and normal people make up for the minority.

I remember an affectionate conversation I had with some spirits I work with, who once said “you’ll need Spirits to stay sane on the planet that is coming in the next 10 years”. They said this 8 years back to me. I’d wager a tight bet on their saying because I didn’t realise how literal their words, were.

Humans for the most part, do not stand a chance.

The final chance went a year after the 2020 “lockdown” fiasco. Humanity was put through it’s biggest test, and it failed. Per se, on one part — I genuinely feel sorry for people who don’t know what type of sleepwalking unknown hell they have willingly immersed themselves into. The other part of me — wonders if that level of purge was necessary. Either way, I try not to think the latter because it impacts me as a human being, too.

Functioning in a mentally ill society, is very tough.

People are enmassed severely traumatized and no amount of awareness or talking about it, ELIMINATES the psychological damage. Between social media, the 5G poles, chemtrails, the estrogen in the plastics turning more and more men gay — modern day feminism, child abuse, nanites all over in our brains, our lands, our planet — we are up for grabs. As a race, we’re fucked. Most “humans” of today, are meat puppet robots, and biological robotics. They lost their humanity as their blood changed. It is a topic I promised myself NEVER to write on, and even till today — I will never write on it because it heralds no point in doing so. The permanent damage is done, those of us left in the minority pool — have to prepare for the consequences, a humanity without humans.

As I, myself have cleared layers of psychological damage to be clear and free in my own sovereignty — in my clearing, I have now arrived at a barren toxic wasteland where people are choosing to remain single “because its peaceful”, (UNHEARD OF), people don’t want to leave their houses, people don’t want to party, people do not phone each other anymore, people don’t want friends (what the fuck?), and people want to sit alone in their house with their gadgets with absolute MINIMAL human interaction with anyone and then wonder why they are anxious, depressed, and, suffer from terminal loneliness. People visibly look broken, abused, and, damaged — a large part of it is due to the intentional shut downs back in 2020 where trauma was mass induced + fear pumped everywhere to prepare for the next fast stage.

And boy, did people fall into that fast stage.

Another part of it, is what most people are personally dealing with.

How to survive a mentally ill society, often throws me off too. I am going to go back to basics for keeping one’s own self firm and robust.

Firstly, a solid workout routine. You MUST sweat out what is being sprayed on us 24/7. Let’s face it, all of us are controlled because we are forced to breathe lithum and barium rich air as well as other unbelievably abhorrent disgusting things that would traumatise people, if I wrote them here. I counter this personally, by using online frequencies that mimic a hyperbaric oxygen chamber — to ensure I am getting enough Oxygen. The 5G poles have a specific vibration that is slowly reducing oxygen in minute amounts — hence you see so many people with breathing issues these days. I also counter this through high heat, hot yoga — that leaves you visibly drenched by the time you come out.

Secondly, you are what you eat. Most people eat to fill their stomach or void. Or both. Worse of all, some aren’t eating at all. Could be eating disorders, financial challenges, depression — you name it. Food is key for the body to function. Ensure you’re receiving enough protein and nutrients in the body to function. Make a conscious effort to eat as healthy and clean as possible. Your body will thank you because you will reduce running the risk of inflammation and general malaise in the body.

Thirdly, clean up your consumption. Do not give your time and literal life force energy (loosh) to those who are looking to suck it off you. Every video, every post — everything is draining the hell out of you. Choose to switch to positivity and things that are based on comedy and light-heartedness, to keep your vibration up.

Fourth, face your challenges as fast and as quick as you can. This will be a challenge for those who have a history and background of trauma as it causes the biggest F — FREEZE. Work on freeing up your nervous system, so you have enough bandwidth and capacity to allow all incoming things to be present for you.

Fifth, spend time with people as much as your system allows and pair that with nature. We all know that AI is jinn induced and part of their narcissistic expertise, is to isolate you. Find a community to be a part of — it may not be easy to settle into it however having even a small community of people who are willing to support you with your mental/psychological health is going to be key for you. I personally counter this, by having a tremendous amount of fun hobbies whereby I can meet new people and just allow anything they are doing or saying to inspire me.

Remember — your quality of life is only determined by you. Gift yourself the gift of Spartanite — one of self empowerment, determination to live well, and, free.

For serious mentoring enquiries, spiritual/business consultations, custom writing projects, and, ritual work — please feel free to contact us for assistance

