Channelling Clauneck — The Power Of Wealth Multiples

The Spartanite
5 min readNov 22, 2017

As a woman who possesses a very strong, and robust relationship with one of the chief Spirits of the Grimorium Verum, Clauneck, has come to serve me well over the years. Clauneck has assisted me in many of my wealth workings, my wealth mindsets and keeping me strong and positive to navigate life. Just this morning, I saw a post on Twitter and was stunned to see something in the physical realm as a REPLICA of what Clauneck had told me about 2.5 months back. I shrieked with joy, and of course being Clauneck, he asked for his fair dues. So his libation this time round, was honey.

I took the liberty to channel Clauneck’s thoughts on the POWER OF MULTIPLES in Business, and how we can use his way of thinking to encourage ourselves to walk this often very scary and terrifying path of wealth ascension.

Below is the transcribed channel :


Me : Greetings King Clauneck! Wow. I saw what you said to me and it came true. Thank you so much.

CK : I reward you because you LISTEN. Your human race has a problem with LISTENING. You overcame a life not of your design that ruined you, because you chose to LISTEN when one of my counterparts visited you, years back. You were scared initially, but you had an open mind and you listened.

Me : It was scary, yes. Why did he visit me?

